Forever Cape — A Campaign for Our Community
April 10, 2021

THANK YOU for being part of the biggest campaign for conservation in Cape Elizabeth!
Along with more than 950 individuals, organizations, and foundations, as well as the Town of Cape Elizabeth and the State Land for Maine’s Future program, you helped raise more than $7.5 Million!
After this 3-year campaign and this past year of pandemic, we’re ready to celebrate success and welcome in spring!
Please join us for one or more of the events listed below.
We are offering both guided and self-guided walks and a plaque dedication ceremony, as well as opportunities to view the plaque before the group activity.
Due to COVID, participation in all events is limited, so sign up early using the form below. (Masks and social distancing required for all events.)
Please join us!

Visit the Properties
Join CELT Board Members, staff, and volunteers in exploring three properties funded as part of the campaign: Runaway Farm II (owned by CELT), Robinson Woods III (owned by CELT), and Maxwell Farm — Dyer Field (agricultural easement held by CELT; this property does not have public access except for this event). These events will give you a chance to learn about the history of the properties and about some of the plants and animals that call them home.
Both events are open to all ages, but youth under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
Self-Guided Walks (12:00 pm — 4:00 pm)
Designed to be enjoyed by all ages, these routes are available any time from 12-4. A board member will greet you and get you started. Directions and informational prompts will be provided through a website link to view on your mobile device. Registration is not required.
Guided Tours (1:00 pm, 2:30 pm)
These tours will be led by a CELT staff member or volunteer. There will be two tours on each property, the first departing at 1:00 pm and the second departing at 2:30 pm. Capacity is limited and registration is required using the form at the bottom of this page (jump to form).

Closing Celebration
4:30 pm at Turkey Hill Farm
Join our Campaign Chairs, Cabinet and Board members, and Executive Director Cindy Krum to recognize and thank the 959 donors to Forever Cape. We will unveil a plaque that will later be placed at Robinson Woods for all to see.
This event is limited to 40 participants. Please RSVP through the form below (jump to form).
If you would prefer not to attend the in-person event, you may also sign up for a slot to view the plaque individually.
Every gift counts!
Cape Elizabeth is a special place. Once CELT conserves land, it is preserved forever. Please join us conserving this beautiful place for generations to come. Your support will make a real difference in preserving the character of Cape and helping this community campaign succeed. To learn more about giving options, please contact CELT staff at 207-767-6054.