New England Cottontails program: Into the Thick of It - Cape Elizabeth Land Trust


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New England Cottontails program: Into the Thick of It

Oct 27

Join Sarah Dudek, from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, for a 1.5 hour walk at Runaway Farm. Participants of this Cape Elizabeth Land Trust sponsored event will enjoy learning about the state-endangered New England Cottontail, the conservation effort taking place to recover the species here in southern Maine, and what you can do to help!

Cape Elizabeth is home to the largest known population of New England cottontails in Maine. The cottontails’ range has declined by 86% over the past 50 years due to loss of large thicket and young forest habitats. Come learn about where they live, why other animals also need these thickets, and what we are doing to help the cottontails rebound in Maine.

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