CELT’s “Wet” Paint Auction lived up to its name this weekend, but the rain held off just long enough for another great event on Sunday! A BIG Thank You to the nearly 400 intrepid souls who came out to support art and the environment, to our generous Sponsors, Host Committee, and Artists, and to the nearly 70 volunteers who brought it all together throughout the weekend.
Whether you were one of the lucky auction winners, took home a Mystery Box, or simply purchased a ticket and enjoyed gathering with friends, you helped to conserve and care for the special lands that the artists so beautifully depicted. All proceeds from the evening, including a portion of art sales donated by the artists, help CELT continue to provide public access and protect habitat for wildlife at 35 properties in Cape Elizabeth.
We will share a full gallery of photos as soon as we have them, but for now, here is just a taste.