One of the pillars of CELT’s mission is to engage youth with caring for the nature around them. Once again this spring, we benefitted from many helping hands. In May, Andrew Libby worked with us for his Senior Transition Project as a graduating senior at Cape Elizabeth High School. He successfully updated signage in Robinson Woods, removing old signs and installing new ones where appropriate. He tackled invasive plants including bittersweet, multiflora rose, and black swallowwort in Robinson Woods and at Turkey Hill Farm. He picked up garbage including washed up trash in Pond Cove at Robinson Woods and even several computer monitors from Town Farm. Big thanks to Andrew for his help with a variety of tasks across CELT-protected lands this spring!

Then in June, a student at LearningWorks helped with the annual monitoring visit for Robinson Woods and the Cape Elizabeth Middle School 8th grade class volunteer projects. These projects included Turkey Hill Farm site cleanup and Robinson Woods invasive removal.

These 8th grade projects spanned over three days in early June, with two classes coming each day. These six groups removed many invasive plants in Pond Cove at Robinson Woods, at Turkey Hill Farm, and along the CELT trail loop by Willow Brook.

Thanks again to all the students who helped during the spring, and especially volunteer Mike Hankes, Stewardship Manager Ardath Dixon, and the 8th grade teachers for overseeing the projects. The cove and trails at Robinson Woods, Turkey Hill Farm, and Willow Brook are looking much better with more room for native plants to flourish!