
Privately owned with CELT easement


43.598685, -70.228559


There is available parking at 280 Ocean House Road, the parking lot adjacent to the Cape Elizabeth United Methodist Church.


This land is owned by the Cape Elizabeth United Methodist Church, and these 6.22 acres have been permanently protected since 2022. The Cross Town Trail traverses this property. Coming from Robinson Woods and the Canter Way trail to the north, 0.14 miles traverses relatively flat topography south to the parking area (72 – 83′ elevation above sea level). After crossing the parking lot, the Cross Town Trail continues with a small 0.06 mile segment up the hill (85 – 108′ elevation), where it exits onto Ocean House Road just north of Cumberland Farms.


  • Stay on marked, public trails
  • Respect adjacent private property
  • No motorized vehicles, fires, camping, or illegal activities onsite
  • Public access from sunrise to sunset

*Notice for Dog Owners

  • Dogs must be on leash at all times
  • Pick up and carry out all dog waste

Date Protected

May 29, 2022