Each of our properties has been preserved to protect the varied natural resources specific to the land. To ensure the properties are well managed, CELT first prepares a baseline document of the property and then regularly visits the property to ensure the land is being properly managed.
CELT’s Stewardship Committee works closely with our education and land acquisition committees to coordinate and prioritize stewardship needs. Being good stewards of the land we preserve is no small task. Our Stewardship Committee utilizes nearly 1,000 hours of volunteer help annually from students, scout troops, and local residents.
All CELT properties are equally important. However, the properties that are heavily used by the public generally require more upkeep and maintenance throughout the year. Below are some of our core stewardship activities.
Core Stewardship Activities
Preserving Habitat

- Preparing conservation plans
- Documenting significant natural features
- Preparing interpretive materials for use on our trails.
Trail Maintenance
- Building and maintaining trails
- Clearing downed trees
- Building bridges and kiosks
- Using aerial photography, GPS data collection, and GIS mapping to document our preserves.
All of these efforts require significant labor and other resources. Please join us in these efforts!